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Friday, January 9, 2009


This title might be deceiving, but I don't care. I'm going home! Up north, I mean. Just for a visit. Now, this trip will be a little wild, as it will entail just my brothers and I going. In other words, I will be the only adult on the trip. We plan on being there, in Denton County, for four days. That's where I did all of my growin' up. 10 years worth. My dad did something like this, driving out to California and all, so we want to have our "roaring days" too. All guys need them, throwing caution to the wind and the like. Apparently, I'm the only one who plans to take a map, a compass, and a GPS. It sounds like I'm paranoid, or overprepared, but when you travel with this bunch, you have to be. They're ready to shoot from the hip, and I want a plan, food and camping- wise. I agree with them on thing: better to campout them to put someone out in their own home. I'm currently making a list of things we'll need, and nobody has to tell me to check it thrice before we leave. Ah, well, I'm probably blowing this thing all out of preportion, but it's better to be prepared than sorry, so far from home.

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