Enough of this crud. You wanna hear about the good stuff, not about Boy Wonder and the Mushy Side of Life. I'm not paid for that.
I can't even get off of the hospital floor no matter how..., hold that thought and think windows, and glass cutters!
This TIRR stuff is getting old pretty fast even conscious and the second time 'round. Although their method is sound, they sure have a reveille dedicated to couple of chickens. They squawk and hop about to raise the roof, or was this just in my dreams? Once I'm down (sleep-wise) the Onfi (med that helps me sleep and controls my seizures for me) it has some nasty side-effects, including the one that helps me sleep in, i.e: not good for 0800 wake-up call; not even the chickens. A rooster would be fine, thank-you.
Hey, now; I'm finally in some groups. The R.E.A.C.H group and Currant Events, not necessarily in that order. In the latter, the teacher picks out four or five events and asks us our opinions on them. In the former, we plan trips, times, places within a 10mi radius and on a Thursday, we implement our plan. I've done this before, and got egg in my face (that's pretty close to the truth.) Not so again, thanks much!
Oh, today, the 18th, the OT split her time with me and Matt, the "Music Man." We worked on guitar technique, and mostly how to get my thumb out of the way on the chord hand or so I call it. I felt like a beginner next to him.
Ah, well, you can't have your cake and eat it too, I hear.
Ben J
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