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Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I never knew getting on a jobs program was this tough. First, we get put off by the job agency for over six months, and only when I (+ my mom) threaten to do something about it do I see results in the mail in the form of forms. Job forms to be exact. But wait, there's more! Other parts had (have) to come together. It's more like hurry up and wait more than anything. See, my forms are special in how all the doctors and neurologists I have to fax it to, and then it is finally processed from my end back into the people at the jobs program. All in all, it takes, let's see, how much time is that; Carry the one, multiply the six, oh yeah! They're not done yet! *Restraining Patience* I'll have to keep hold of whatever insanity I've got left, because that's the only thing that's kept me going down here, well, that and Jesus, who has been with me day through day. He's been my rock and Savior, and I profess Him to be the absolutely perfect Lord of Life, and I highly reccommend Him to you too!

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