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Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Excuse me folks, I'm just trying to hide from sanity. We live in a rental two- story house 24/7/ 365. Usually, most people can't do that or they would have gone crazy, or lose it, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of one's faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, WACKO!!! But my family has survived because we've had to, and cuz' we've had powerful imaginations; well, at least I do. I like to make a game out of the mundane chores we do every week. I have my guitar, and do some mean stops. Also, I'm a great reader, and I've got more books just waiting to be read sitting on my bookshelf than you shake a duster at, plus more hobbies that get added to each day. Plus, we've even ended up in The Worlds' Medical City, so don't count me out when it comes to seizure repair. We've needed to concentrate on our homeschooling, and school has prospered, not just for me, but for my brothers. We would have gone mad a long time ago, if God hadn't given us imaginations to deal with the situations. I wouldn't have taken up golf and ocean fishing if he hadn't.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

ZZZ's For Zippy

Oh, great, folks. Just when I needed something more in my life to make it miserable, this comes along. Lemme tell you the symptoms. In fact, I can reduce them to this: I CAN'T SLEEP! As a guy who likes his sleep, the fact that I can't get into REM sleep (The sleep where your body can make repairs in) bothers me to no end. (Espescially in my schoolwork) There are five levels to this REM scale, and I'm only scratching level one just for a few minutes at a time, sometimes on multiple occaisions a night. Oh, and here is the piece de recistance: I have been accused of snoring. I'm at the condition now of throwing my hands up, and praying for sleep, a thing I've never done before. Of course, the ramifacations of sleep deprovation affects directly affects the seizure situation in the brain, and as I have uncontrolled seizures, well let's just say that my chances of having a seizure increased from 40% to 80% When I look into a mirror, I have to keep reminding myself that those bags under my eyes aren't for my wallet and keys.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Try, Try, Try, Try, Try, Again

Finally! I'm done with the slideshows. (below) They show the greatest pictures I've ever taken, minus a few for they have people in them. This is a real shame, since some of my best work is involved in those shots, such as a baseball in mid-motion while being thrown etc. It's been a great hobby during my tenure at the brain and body shop, and don't think that's all of the work I've done. I've covered eight states, taken thousands of pictures, worn out two cameras to the point where they've both shut down on there own, working on a third, and burned 19 CD's full of photos. I guess you could say I'm kind of a professional in the field of digital photography, but the thing is, the more you learn, makes you realize how much more there is to learn. It's kind of like the field of epilepsy and I. Since I've learned that drug treatment and surgery don't work for me, VNS, is next, and I will see if it works. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Thomas A. Edison

Thursday, April 3, 2008

VNS Round 2

Yesterday, we went to my neurologist again, and besides getting told that there two seizure meds coming out later in the year, we're back to the VNS therapy again. The doctors say it is successful in 40% of the patients they've tried it on. So, my mom and the doctor are setting me up for the preliminaries to a VNS surgery. The thing is, they're not cheap. Try $10,000, and we have a insurance plan with holes big enough to put a shotgun shell to shame. Oh, well, God's got control of my life, and it's future. That's all I need ask.

She's Back!!!!

Alright everyone, hold on; Sara's been cured!!!. Apparently, she ate some rotten fruit in the backyard and got very sick very fast. The baby food did the trick, along with some much needed hydration, and she began to turn the corner last week. Thank God; His mercies are unending for those that believe in Him! She's back to her normal self this week, even trying to "shave" me with her tongue. She's even knocked over every trash can in the house! I had a triple Grand Mal day last week, and for the first, I wound up collapsing at my desk when I was through. By the time I made it to my room, everyone was in on the act. Now I don't know why Sara did this, dut when my parents tried to move me, she howled as if she was in pain. She came up and slept with me. My parents tried to lay me in the bed head first, but I was so weak, I nearly did a 360*. So, I just lay there. Turns out, I didn't remember to take my meds. Now, this isn't a deliberate misremberance, it's only that I could fool a lie detector with my answer. The memories are that strong. So, that's two lessons you've learned today: 1. Constant prayer and nutrition for a sick dog; and 2. Have your medicine box in front of you before you say that you've taken them. Something to think about.